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Jade Plant - Perk Up Your Living Space and Bring Na ture into Your Home

· Plants,Jade Plant

If you are after an easy to take care houseplant, jade plants may be what you need. Jade plants are one of the easiest care plants, in the garden or in the house, available.

A family of succulents, jade plants have glossy, thick, oval-shaped leaves that grow on woody stems. Traditionally, the plant has been thought of as a token of good luck and there are some people who know them as money plants. Whether or not you believe that piece of folklore, the easy-care properties and attractive look of jade plants make them ideal for your home or even gifting to others.

But before you reach your local or online nursery to buy jade plant, it is important that you learn a few tips about proper care for jade plants.

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How to Pot Your Jade Plant

Jade plants require a soil mix that drains thoroughly. You can choose a cactus mix or produce a homemade soil blend combining one part organic material with one part peat moss and three parts send (use a coarse variety). When looking to buy jade plant, you can also buy a pot. Choose one with a wide base that will stand firm even as the top of the plant gains height and weight.

Sunlight Exposure

While jade plants don't necessarily need full sun all day long, they do benefit from receiving sunlight every day. About four hours of daily sunlight is enough to help your jade plant thrive. If you have a window that faces the southern side of your home, this would be the ideal spot for your plant. This side of your house should allow your plant to receive plenty of daily light without being exposed to an excessive amount of bright sun.


Jade plant watering requirements tend to vary throughout the year. Spring and summer are the growing seasons for jade plants, which means this is when they will need more water. Keep the plant's soil damp in the spring and summer months, but don't let it become waterlogged. In the fall and winter, let the soil get dry before watering the plant again. You will probably need to water your plants only once a month during these seasons.


Nourish your jade plant with fertilizer two or three times a year. One easy way to do this is with a general-use liquid fertilizer for houseplants. Remember to always add fertilizer to damp soils as fertilizing your plants when the soil is dry harm the plants.


Over time, dust can accumulate on the leaves of your jade plants, just like with your furniture. The buildup will reduce their attractive gloss and even affect the amount of sunlight the plant can absorb. Restoring the beauty of your plant is easy and only takes a lightly moistened cloth to gently down the leaves. Soon your plants will be as good as new.